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Using science & logic to simplify and improve orchid growing

PLEASE NOTE: We will suspend shipping Wednesday, April 2nd through Sunday, April 6th.

Feel free to place your order and we’ll get it out on Monday the 7th.

An Unsolicited Testimonial

Folks that don’t know me sometimes believe that I promote Semi-Hydroponics™ because of my commercial interests, when it’s the opposite that’s true – It works for me, so I promote it! My public sales of the pots and medium come from my interest in buying at wholesale prices (I bought 65,000 liters of PrimeAgra® in the last year – way more than I can use), and offering it to the public.

To show that I am not alone in my great experiences with Semi-Hydroponics™, here is an unsolicited testimonial I received via email:


You might find this useful to pass along to an inquiring customer:

In June of 2002, I bought a very small Slc. Mahalo Jack from Carter & Holmes. I grew it in a sunroom, south-facing window, and it never bloomed and never thrived. In the winter of 2003, it enjoyed MH light in addition to daylight. It still failed to thrive–lived, yes; thrived, no.

In April of 2004, I put the plant in S/H. In June of 2004, I moved it outdoors for the summer. Now, in mid-September of 2004, the plant is doing wonderfully! From the attached photo, you can see new growth, a little sheath, and the new root development. The brown roots are the old roots that have rotted, and the new, husky white S/H roots (larger in diameter than the bark-media roots) have all formed since April. There has been more root growth in 5 months than in the previous two years. I’m sure that being outside for the summer contributed to the plant’s vigor, but I believe that S/H had more to do with it.

Another nice thing about S/H is that plants are very easy to “debug” when they come in for the winter.

BTW, normally I wouldn’t unpot a plant when it is developing a bud, but I accidentally knocked over this one, dumping it out.
DaVona Dors