K-Lite Plus – Orchid and Epiphyte Fertilizer


A complete package of mineral nutrients that may be used year-round to promote great growth and blooming.

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This formula (14-1-1-8Ca-3Mg) is a variant of the original K-Lite formula containing an enhanced level of ammonium-based nitrogen.  This makes the improved product more versatile for all orchids, based upon evidence that some orchids, particularly paphiopedilums and phragmipediums, can benefit from the higher ammonium content.

In use, this formula will produce organce solutions to differentiate it from the blue color of original K-Lite solutions.

One pound makes approximately 178 gallons of 100 ppm N solution.  It is currently packaged in air-tight mylar bags that have zip-lock type seals for reclosing them, but I urge you to get a better resealable container once you’ve opened it.  Pint canning jars work well.

Displayed labels are on order – plain white one is currently applied.

Price includes fast and free shipping to US addresses.

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1 lb jar, 25 lb bag