Plant Nutrition MENU TOGGLEMENU TOGGLEFertilizers & Feeding Primer on Plant NutritionFertilizer Basics“Bloom Booster” FertilizersHow Important is Fertilizer?pH & Nutrient AvailabilityOrchids and pH Fertilizers and pHMore on Fertilizer Solution pHHow Much Do I Feed My Orchids?AOS "What do Orchids Eat" ArticleK-Lite Orchid / Epiphyte Fertilizer The Origin of K-Lite FertilizerDo-It-Yourself K-Lite“K-Lite Knock-Off” CalculatorIt’s Time for Food!Magnesium Supplementation Must I Supplement Calcium & Magnesium?Epsom Salts and Electrical Conductivity (EC)Super-Simple Orchid FeedingSlow Release FertilizerFertilizer Stability in Storage Fertilizer Additives "Magic" AdditivesGrowth StimulantsComparing Seaweed ExtractsKelpak Premium Biostimulant Issues with Root Growth StimulantsWhat do Plant Probiotics Do?Comparing Plant ProbioticsRethinking Biostimulant Application Why Should I Use Kelpak?How Does Kelpak Work?Why Do I Push Kelpak?Plant Growth Stimulants IPA 3Q2014 Using Kelpak WiselyMultiply Your PlantsKelpMax = Kelpak Measurement, Handling, & Application Instantaneous Nutrient CaptureHow to Feed Your PlantsFeeding by MassPlant Feeding RegimenFertilizer PPM CalculatorThe Ideal Fertilizer Concentration Nitrogen Management CalculatorSimplified Fertilizer Dosing GuideSimple Fertilizer Mixing CalculatorMeasuring Powders & LiquidsDealing with Fertilizer PowdersMaking a Fertilizer Concentrate Simple Fertilizer DispenserUsing a Siphon ProportionerSelecting and Using a Metering PumpSlow-Release Fertilizer Use CalculatorDo Not Trust Your TDS MeterTDS & EC Electrical Conductivity MetersSimple TDS Meter CalibrationFertilizer Use by BrandSlow Release FertilizerFertilizer Stability in Storage A Regimen for Growing Excellent Plants“Optimal Growth” Customer FeedbackThe Benefit of the “First Rays Regimen”